A tale of two (fair) ladies


New York theatergoers have a rare chance to see two distinct versions of a time-honored tale with Lincoln Center’s My Fair Lady running concurrently with Bedlam’s Pygmalion.  (Fair warningPygmalion only runs through April 22nd while My Fair Lady is in previews until the 19th but has an open-ended run.)

Having caught a glimpse of Bedlam’s production at an invited dress rehearsal, I was struck by how relevant the story still is today. I could go into great detail about what I saw in that production, and how it surprised me and what I think makes it so poignantly relevant today. I was also intrigued by how differently the story plays compared to the musical I remembered. But I’d rather wait until you see it and see what you found in them as well.

Seeing both gives oneself a rare glimpse into the choices Lerner & Loewe made to turn the story into a palatable (if not delicious!) musical as well as get a great look at George Bernard Shaw’s underlying story still so powerful on it’s own.

See both! And tell me what you think.

About Meredith Lucio

Theater-lover, storyteller

Posted on March 28, 2018, in Broadway, Musings, Off Broadway, Theatre Lit. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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