Fighting amongst ourselves.

Metropolitan Opera in dispute with unions.

Metropolitan Opera in dispute with unions.

I’ve lived in New York City for 14 years and I have never been to the Met. It’s not that I’ve not wanted to go exactly. It’s just that when I think of spending my entertainment dollar I prefer to spend it elsewhere (perhaps a few blocks south?). Call me a luddite if you will. Maybe I am.

But in this article it comes out that both the GM and the highest paid union workers are paid well into six figures (the GM makes about 1.3million and the highest paid union worker makes 450K). Knowing how much money these people already have and that they continue to fight about not having more leaves a pretty bitter taste in my mouth, especially when I think of all the smaller struggling non-profits overshadowed by these monolithic beacons.

I say let them fight it out until reason ensues and both sides have to reevaluate “what they deserve”. But I warn them all, the longer you fight amongst yourselves, the longer you avoid the real issue of keeping your art alive and relevant. It’s an uphill battle folks. For all of art.

See the NY Times article here. 

About Meredith Lucio

Theater-lover, storyteller

Posted on August 2, 2014, in Off Broadway. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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